Have you ever noticed? When the hero finally decides that he’s going to pursue the quest, it is just the beginning. The beginning of the fight. The beginning of his struggle.
That’s how it has been for me.
>Come on, of course I’m the hero in my own life’s story. Aren’t you?<
Just because I made the decision to commit to my dreams, the doubts and fears didn’t stop bombarding my mind. In fact, they doubled up!
But, now that I’ve decided, I’ve committed, nothing can stop me. The doubts and fears hit me like mosquitoes throwing themselves on a bug zapper.
There goes another one.
Mmm… Smells a little acrid.
Like roasted mosquito wings.
You’ll find that the fight is just beginning when you take your leap of faith.
Sometimes the fight seems to intensify.
As if something in the universe doesn’t want you to succeed.
Just remember the smell of mosquito wings.
The anti-creative myths
There is an unending series of thoughts that will resist your decision to follow your creative dreams. Don’t you believe them.
To help expose the lies, I’m starting a series on the “anti-creative myths” — those ideas that pop up and try to become our pet excuses for not creating what fires our imaginations.
This series is not in order of importance or frequency or anything other than “as I think of it”. Please join the conversation by commenting — what anti-creative thoughts tend to stop your creative efforts cold? How do you combat your worst anti-creative thoughts?
This post will serve as an index for the series. Enjoy! And may these myths fall ineffective before our collective defenses, exposed now as the lies they are!